Jo Engine  2024.04.28
Jo Sega Saturn Engine
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C__jo_nodeNode struct
 C__jo_sizeSize struct
 C__jo_voxel_computation_cacheVoxel computation cache (internal engine usage)
 Cjo_2d_object_attributesObject for 2D manipulation (storyboard) using fixed number
 Cjo_3d_meshMesh structure
 Cjo_3d_object_attributesObject for 3D manipulation (storyboard) using fixed number
 Cjo_3d_quadQuadrilateral shape structure
 Cjo_animationObject animation definition
 Cjo_backupBackup File struct
 Cjo_cameraCamera structure
 Cjo_datetimeDateTime struct
 Cjo_fileFile definition
 Cjo_homing_laserHoming laser effect definition
 Cjo_IEEE754Float IEEE 754 format
 Cjo_img15 bits image struct
 Cjo_img_8bits8 bits image struct
 Cjo_listList struct
 Cjo_list_dataNode data (4 bytes)
 Cjo_matrix4x4 MATRIX for 3D computation using fixed number
 Cjo_matrixf4x4 MATRIX for 3D computation using floating numbers
 Cjo_mode7Mode7 struct
 Cjo_mode7_computation_cacheMode7 internal computation cache struct
 Cjo_palettePalette contents struct
 Cjo_picture_definitionPicture definition
 Cjo_pos2D2D position
 Cjo_pos2D_fixed2D position using fixed number
 Cjo_pos3D3D position
 Cjo_pos3D_fixed3D position using fixed numbers
 Cjo_pos3Df3D position using floating numbers
 Cjo_raw_imgRaw image struct
 Cjo_rot3D3D rotation angles
 Cjo_rot3Df3D rotation angles
 Cjo_software_renderer_gfxThis is the main struct that handle everything for drawing
 Cjo_software_renderer_triangleTriangle definition
 Cjo_sprite_animInternal animation struct
 Cjo_sprite_attributesSprite attributes
 Cjo_storyboardStoryboard definition
 Cjo_storyboard_object_cacheInternal object cache
 Cjo_texture_definitionTexture definition
 Cjo_tileStruct of one tile (pos and size)
 Cjo_vectorVector for 3D computation using integer
 Cjo_vector2_fixedVector for 2D computation using fixed number
 Cjo_vector4_fixedVector4 for 3D computation using fixed number
 Cjo_vector_fixedVector for 3D computation using fixed number
 Cjo_vectorfVector for 3D computation using floating numbers
 Cjo_voxelVoxel main definition
 Cjo_voxel_cameraVoxel camera definition