Jo Engine  2024.04.28
Jo Sega Saturn Engine
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
font.h File Reference

Jo Engine Simple ASCII Font & print support. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  jo_font


#define jo_font_printf(F, X, Y, S, ...)
 Print arguments using a specific font (using top-left screen coordinates) More...
#define jo_font_printf_centered(F, X, Y, S, ...)
 Print arguments using a specific font (using screen center coordinates) More...


jo_fontjo_font_load (const char *const sub_dir, const char *const filename, const jo_color transparent_color, const int letter_width, const int letter_height, const int letter_spacing, const char *const mapping)
 Load a font. More...
void jo_font_print (const jo_font *const font, int x, int y, float scale, char *str)
 Print a string using a specific font (using top-left screen coordinates) More...
void jo_font_print_centered (const jo_font *const font, int x, int y, float scale, char *str)
 Print a string using a specific font (using screen center coordinates) More...

Detailed Description

Jo Engine Simple ASCII Font & print support.

Johannes Fetz
Some glitch when changing scale in jo_font_printf_centered()

Data Structure Documentation

◆ jo_font

struct jo_font
Data Fields
char end_ascii
char * lookup_table
char spacing
char start_ascii
int z_index

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ jo_font_printf

#define jo_font_printf (   F,

Print arguments using a specific font (using top-left screen coordinates)

FThe font (returned by jo_font_load())
XHorizontal location from the left border of the screen
YVertical location from the top border of the screen
SFont scale

◆ jo_font_printf_centered

#define jo_font_printf_centered (   F,

Print arguments using a specific font (using screen center coordinates)

FThe font (returned by jo_font_load())
XHorizontal location from the center of the screen
YVertical location from the center of the screen
SFont scale

Function Documentation

◆ jo_font_load()

jo_font* jo_font_load ( const char *const  sub_dir,
const char *const  filename,
const jo_color  transparent_color,
const int  letter_width,
const int  letter_height,
const int  letter_spacing,
const char *const  mapping 

Load a font.

sub_dirSub directory name (use JO_ROOT_DIR if the file is on the root directory)
filenameFilename (upper case and shorter as possible like "FONT.TGA")
transparent_colorTransparent color (see colors.h). Use JO_COLOR_Transparent by default
letter_widthLetter width (must be a multiple of 8)
letter_heightLetter height
letter_spacingLetter spacing
mappingImage pattern : "0123456789ABCDEFGH..." (use
to go to the next image line)
Font object

◆ jo_font_print()

void jo_font_print ( const jo_font *const  font,
int  x,
int  y,
float  scale,
char *  str 

Print a string using a specific font (using top-left screen coordinates)

fontThe font (returned by jo_font_load())
xHorizontal location from the left border of the screen
yVertical location from the top border of the screen
scaleFont scale
strThe string

◆ jo_font_print_centered()

void jo_font_print_centered ( const jo_font *const  font,
int  x,
int  y,
float  scale,
char *  str 

Print a string using a specific font (using screen center coordinates)

fontThe font (returned by jo_font_load())
xHorizontal location from the center of the screen
yVertical location from the center of the screen
scaleFont scale
strThe string